台灣民政府 Taiwan Civil Government Taiwan Civil Government







起初自認是中國唯一代表的蔣介石,在日本台灣成立了「中國台灣省行政長官公署」來當作「中國台灣民政府」,並於1947年5月16日改制成為「中華民國台灣省政府」。此外還成立了「中國台灣警備總司令部」來當作「中國台灣軍政府」,後來又將它改制成為「中華民國海洋委員會海巡署」。這些都是後來蔣介石的中華民國依照戰時國際法進行對台灣佔領的單位改革。與其說它是改革,不如說它是歪曲,因為蔣介石的「中華民國(ROC)」於1949年失去代表中國的立場,被「中華人民共和國(PRC)」驅逐而離開中國的領土,成為逃亡他國(日本台灣)的流亡政府,同時又是代表盟軍接收日本台灣,就這樣成了詭譎的雙重身分(是中國內戰戰敗的流亡政府,同時也是二戰戰勝國盟軍接收日本台灣的代表),至今這樣的身分仍繼續存在。因此迄今的國際重要活動,仍須使用所謂「奧會模式」「Chinese Taipei(Chinese exile government in Taipei)」的名義参加。


2006年10月24日以林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)為首的一群台灣人,向美國華盛頓聯邦地方法院,提告美國政府(簡稱:第一次對美國訴訟)。這是一起訴求台灣國際地位正常化和台灣人人權保障的訴訟(案號:1:06-cv-01825-RMC),其目的是為了迫使美國公開承認並解決台灣的國際地位問題。期間經歷多次與法院的往來,最後於2009年4月7日美國華盛頓聯邦高等法院針對「第一次對美國訴訟」的裁決(案號:08-5078)中,「台灣人無國籍、沒有國際承認的政府,並生活在政治煉獄中…」,做了事實上的認定。也因此獲得「美國相關單位的聯繫與協助」。2008年2月2日在台北福華國際文教會館正式成立「台灣平民政府」(日後的台灣民政府),並於2010年4月25日在台北舉行第一次全球大會,選出第一屆台灣民政府主席城仲模先生,第二屆主席則是由曾根憲昭先生擔任。


台灣民政府於2008年成立後至今發生了許多大事與變革。許多核心幹部於2013年4月25日因主導所謂「華府台獨事件」被驅逐離開。最嚴重的是在2018年5月10日,領導人林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)及其妻林梓安(Julian T.A. Lin)因公私不分財務不明,被以洗錢詐騙起訴逮捕(間接證明被原本協助的美國相關單位完全棄絕),嚴重損害了台灣民政府的社會形象。而最大的變革則是在林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)意外身亡後,其妻林梓安(Julian T.A. Lin)與周遭支持者以私人財產繼承為由,而忽略組織內部基本法的架構與規章「企圖奪權」,為此於2019年11月23日時任總理蔡財源先生,帶領台灣民政府與林梓安(Julian T.A. Lin)奪權詐騙集團切割,並且得到「母國日本方面的信任與指導」,對台灣民政府內部及未來方針做了很大的修正與協助。


  1. 林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)所有著作書籍皆倡導「台灣領土為天皇私有財產」,這是非常嚴重的錯誤遺毒。天皇是日本國家的「國體象徵」,對外就是日本國家的代表者。所以代表日本這個國家身分的天皇與其他國家的代表者,簽訂領土割讓或買賣等條約,應屬「國際公法」上國家之間的「領有權(領土所有權)」移轉問題,並非「國際私法」上個人之間的「土地所有權」的移轉問題。總而言之,領有權係屬於國家,並非屬於天皇個人的私有財產權。就因為是國家與國家簽訂的才稱為「條約」,萬一發生紛爭,就應訴請國際法庭解決。而國家與他國家之人民或團體簽訂的就稱為「契約」或「協定」,而解決紛爭的機關則是相關國之國內法院。因此就日清之《下關條約(馬關條約)》觀之,應屬「國際公法」上,清國與日本兩國家之間的「領有權」移轉問題,並非「國際私法」上,清國光緒帝與日本明治天皇兩人之間的「土地所有權」的移轉問題。由於當時的台灣群島只是清國的拓殖地(亦即清國所謂「鳥不鳴、花不香」的「化外之地」,僅有施政權(領土管轄權)而無領有權,在國際公法上可割讓),日本依據國際公法征服台灣東部山地各部落,並實施全台灣群島「皇民化」,迄至1945年4月1日始將《大日本帝國憲法》完全實施於台灣,而成為日本不可分割的固有領土(適用「領土保全的原則」不得割讓)。日本因具有台灣的施政權再加上領有權,而初次建構了台灣的領土所有權。
  2. 林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)的錯誤主張「台灣國際地位正常化」一詞,這會嚴重的被認為:「台灣的地位正常化,就是追求台灣成為與世界各國並駕齊驅的國家」。換言之,追求與日本成為「邦聯制」的國家自治或準備「台獨」的意味。因此應修正為「台灣法理地位正常化」。






  1. 遵守國際法,包含萬國公法、國際戰爭法、舊金山和平條約。
  2. 日本保有台灣領土所有權,美國握有台灣佔領權。
  3. 美國有義務依循國際法,讓中華民國流亡政府結束在台灣的佔領。
  4. 美國有責任依循國際法,讓台灣復歸母國日本,實現台灣法理地位正常化。
  5. 依據對美、華訴訟判決之結果,参照沖繩復歸方式,以回復本土台灣人之日本國籍為優先。
台湾民政府 行政主席 蔡 財源








2006年10月24日に林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)氏ら台湾人の団体が、米国のワシントンD.C.地区連邦地方裁判所に、米国政府を訴えました(いわゆる第一次対米訴訟)。台湾の国際的地位正常化と台湾人の人権保障を請求する訴訟であり(Case 1:06-cv-01825-RMC)、その目的は米国に台湾の国際的地位の問題を公開的に認めて解決するよう迫ることにありましたが、裁判所での度重なる審理の末、「第一次対米訴訟」の2009年4月7日ワシントンD.C.巡回区連邦控訴裁判所判決(Case 08-5078)では、「台湾人は無国籍であり、国際的に承認された政府を持たず、政治煉獄の中で生活している」旨の事実認定がなされ、「米国の関連部門の連携と協力」を得ることになりました。2008年2月2日に台北の福華国際文教会館で正式に「台湾平民政府」(後の台湾民政府)を成立し、2010年4月25日には台北で第1回世界大会を開催して台湾民政府の初代主席に城仲模氏を選出し、その後第2代主席には曽根憲昭氏が選出されました。


台湾民政府では2008年の成立から現在までに度重なる事件や変革が起きており、多くの中心的な幹部が2013年4月25日にいわゆる「ワシントン台湾独立宣言事件」を主導したために追放された他、2018年5月10日には指導者の林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)氏と妻の林梓安(Julian T.A. Lin)氏が公私混同と財務不透明の末に資金洗浄と詐欺で告発されて逮捕されるという最も重大な事件が起きたことで(これは協力してきた米国の関連部門に切り捨てられたことを意味します)、台湾民政府の社会的な心象は酷く損なわれてしまいました。そして最も大きな変革は林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)氏の突然の死去後、妻の林梓安(Julian T.A. Lin)氏とその周りの支持者が私有財産の継承と称し、組織内の基本法の枠組みと規定を蔑ろにして「奪権を図った」のを受け、2019年11月23日に当時の総理であった蔡財源氏の主導の下、台湾民政府から林梓安(Julian T.A. Lin)奪権詐欺集団を排除し、「母国日本側の信任と指導」を得て、台湾民政府の内部と未来の方針に多大な修正と協力が行われたことです。


  1. 林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)氏があらゆる著書で唱えた「台湾の領土は天皇の私有財産である」との主張は非常に重大な誤りです。天皇は日本国家の「国体の象徴」であり、対外的には日本国家の代表者であるため、日本という国家を代表する立場の天皇と他の国家の代表者とが、領土の割譲や売買等の条約を締結した場合、それは「国際公法」上の国家間の「領有権(領土所有権)」の移転問題であり、「国際私法」上の個人間の「土地所有権」の移転問題ではありません。要するに、領有権は国家に属するものであり、天皇個人に属する私有財産ではないのです。国家と国家とが締結するものが「条約」であり、万が一紛争が発生した場合は、国際裁判所でそれを解決することになります。異なる国家の個人や団体の間で締結されるものは「契約」や「協定」であり、紛争を解決する機関は関連国の国内裁判所です。日清間の「下関条約(馬関条約)」について見るならば、それは「国際公法」上の、日本と清国両国間の「領有権」の移転問題であり、「国際私法」上の、日本の明治天皇と清国の光緒帝両者間の「土地所有権」の移転問題ではありません。当時の台湾諸島は清国の拓殖地に過ぎず(清国のいう「鳥も鳴かず、花も香らない」ような「化外の地」であり、施政権(領土管轄権)のみで領有権が無く、国際公法上割譲が可能でした)、日本は国際公法に基づいて台湾東部山地の各部落を征服し、台湾全諸島で「皇民化」を実施し、1945年4月1日に「大日本帝国憲法」が台湾に完全施行されたことにより、台湾は日本の不可分の固有領土となりました(「領土保全の原則」が適用されて割譲することが出来ません)。そして日本は台湾の施政権に加えて領有権、即ち台湾の領土所有権を初めて確立したのです。
  2. 林志昇(Roger C.S. Lin)氏の誤った主張である「台湾の国際的地位正常化」という言い回しも、「台湾の地位正常化というものが、台湾を世界各国に並び立つ国家にすることを追求している」と捉えられてしまう恐れが多分にあります。言い換えれば、日本との「国家連合」の下での自治又は「台湾独立」の準備を追求していると捉えられてしまうのです。従って「台湾の法的地位正常化」と修正されるべきです。




しかし重大なのは日本国籍から中華民国籍に強制変更された台湾人の国籍問題です。上述のように台湾を代理占領下に置いた中華民国は、1946年1月12日に台湾人の日本国籍を一夜のうちに中華民国籍に強制変更する「国籍変更命令」を下しました。そこで台湾民政府は2015年2月27日に米国及び中華民国を相手取った「第二次対米華訴訟」を同じく米国のワシントンD.C.地区連邦地方裁判所で提起し(Case 1:15-cv-00295-CKK)、「国籍変更命令」の取消しを求めました。その結果、「第二次対米華訴訟」の2017年3月30日ワシントンD.C.巡回区連邦控訴裁判所判決(Case 16-5149)では、「台湾人の無国籍状態を解消できるのは、米国でもなければ国連でもなく、唯一この訴訟に参与していない関係国(即ち日本)のみである」旨の事実認定がなされました。これらの事実認定は台湾民政府の主張を概ね認めたものであり、この重要な認定及び前述の「第一次対米訴訟」における「台湾人は無国籍である」との判断を受け、台湾民政府は従来曖昧であった台湾の将来の最終的な地位に関する明確な認識(即ち「台湾の法的地位正常化」)及び「母国日本への復帰」を主張する根拠と正当性を得て、台湾及び台湾人の「母国日本への復帰」を追求するようになりました。台湾民政府は「台湾の母国日本への復帰」前における任務型の組織であり、母国日本が正式に復帰のための作業に乗り出すのを待ち、母国日本の関連部門の指示に一切従うものです。琉球(沖縄県)は既に分割占領が終了して日本に復帰していますが、残された台湾は未だに「分割占領」が終了していません。近い将来に「日米安全保障条約」と「『日本国憲法』の改正」そして「国家安全保障戦略」「防衛計画の大綱」「中期防衛力整備計画」のいわゆる安保3文書の改定の下で、米国が「中華民国(ROC)亡命政府(台湾統治当局)」の台湾における代理統治を終了させる責任を果たし、台湾諸島も「沖縄復帰の方式」に従い分割占領が終了して「母国日本への復帰」が実現されることが期待されます。


  1. 万国公法、戦時国際法、サンフランシスコ平和条約を含め、国際法を遵守します。
  2. 日本は台湾の領有権を保有しており、米国は台湾の占領権を掌握しています。
  3. 米国は国際法に従い、中華民国亡命政府の台湾における占領を終了させる義務があります。
  4. 米国は国際法に従い、台湾を母国日本に復帰させ、台湾の法的地位正常化を実現させる責任があります。
  5. 対米華訴訟の判決の趣旨により、沖縄の復帰の方式に倣い、本土台湾人の日本国籍回復を優先します。
台湾民政府 行政主席 蔡 財源

The Taiwan Islands of Japan (Nippon-Koku)

Japan (Nippon-koku) has always been a unitary state that implements mainland extensionism. This system is different from the Western countries’ multi-state system, where a suzerain allows its colonies (Commonwealths or confederations) to exercise self-governance. Before World War II, the Empire of Japan acquired Taiwan through the Treaty of Shimonoseki (also known as the Treaty of Maguan). After 50 years of rule (providing education for all children and modern infrastructure), Emperor Showa finally promulgated an edict on April 1, 1945 that Japan grant suffrage to the residents in Taiwan region. Meanwhile, due to the implementation of the amended Military Service Law, people with households in Taiwan were obliged to perform military service; in other words, the Constitution of the Empire of Japan was implemented in Taiwan region. Therefore, under public international law, the Taiwan Islands had officially become the inherent territories that were extension of the Empire of Japan.

The Division and Occupation After World War II

Nevertheless, the U.S. military dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II. After the war, according to the division and occupation by the Allied Powers, the U.S. Armed Forces, in the position of the General Headquarters (GHQ) of the Allied Powers, occupied the Japanese archipelago. Besides, the U.S. Armed Force, also in the position of the U.S. Military Government (USMG) of the Ryukyu Islands, occupied the Ryukyu Islands before the end of World War II. As to the Taiwan Islands of Japan, General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, issued General Order No. 1, ordering Chairman Chiang Kai-shek to accept the surrender of the Japanese troops in Taiwan. In addition, due to the United States’ taking of an anti-Communism stance, the U.S. government authorized the Republic of China, which at that time still had diplomatic relations with the United States, to be a proxy to occupy Taiwan. A few decades later, in 1979, the United States established diplomatic relations with China and terminated the original diplomatic relations with the Republic of China. At the same time, the Republic of China, through the domestic law of the Taiwan Relations Act, was downgraded to be the governing authorities on Taiwan. Since then, such occupation continues (continuation of the division and occupation by the United States under Articles 2(b) and 23(a) of the Treaty of San Francisco).

The Governing Authorities on Taiwan

Chiang Kai-shek, who in the beginning believed himself to be the only representative of China, established in Taiwan of Japan the Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office to serve as the civil government of the Republic of China, which was restructured into the Taiwan Provincial Government on May 16, 1947. Besides, the Taiwan Provincial Garrison Command was established to serve as the military government of the Republic of China, which was later restructured into the Coast Guard Administration of the Ocean Affairs Council of the Republic of China. These were the reforms that Chiang Kai-shek’s Republic of China later carried out on the departments occupying Taiwan under international laws of war. They were not so much reforms as distortion. This was because Chiang Kai-shek’s Republic of China (R.O.C.) lost its stance to represent China in 1949 after his being expelled by the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.) and leaving the territory of China, so the Republic of China became a government in exile that fled to another country (Taiwan of Japan). Meanwhile, Chiang Kai-shek represented the Allied Forces to accept Taiwan of Japan, and thus had a bizarre dual identity (a government in exile that was defeated in the Chinese Civil War, as well as a representative of the Allied Forces of the victorious countries in World War II to accept Taiwan of Japan), and hitherto such identity still exists. Therefore, up to now, the so-called Olympic model still applies to Taiwan in which the name Chinese Taipei (Chinese exile government in Taipei) instead of Taiwan is used when participating in important international events.

Origin of the Taiwan Civil Government

On October 24, 2006, a group of Taiwanese people led by Roger C.S. Lin(林志昇) sued the United States government in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. (simply referred to as the first lawsuit against the United States, hereinafter). This was a lawsuit to address the normalization of Taiwan’s international status as well as the protection of the human rights of all the Taiwanese people (Case No. 1:06-cv-01825-RMC), with the purpose to force the United States to publicly recognize and resolve the issue of Taiwan’s international status. During the period of the lawsuit, many exchanges of information with the court proceeded. Finally, a factual statement was determined for the judgment made by the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. on April 7, 2009 for the first lawsuit against the United States (Case No. 08-5078), “The people of Taiwan are stateless; Taiwan has no internationally recognized government; and the people of Taiwan live in political purgatory ...” Also because of this, Taiwan obtained liaison and assistance from the relevant departments of the United States. On February 2, 2008 the Taiwan Civilian Government (later renamed as the Taiwan Civil Government) was officially established at the Howard Civil Service International House in Taipei, and the first international conference was held in Taipei on April 25, 2010. The first chairman of the Taiwan Civil Government, Mr. Cheng Chung-mo(城仲模), was elected; and the second chairman was Mr. Sone Kensho(曾根憲昭).

Transformation of the Taiwan Civil Government

Ever since the establishment of the Taiwan Civil Government in 2008, many events and changes have taken place. Many core cadres were expelled for having led the so-called Taiwan Independence Movement in Washington, D.C. on April 25, 2013. The most serious case involved the leader, Roger C.S. Lin(林志昇), and his wife, Julian T.A. Lin(林梓安). Mixing public and private funds as well as having unclear financial accounts, they were charged with money laundering and fraud, and were both arrested on May 10, 2018 (indirectly abandoned by the relevant U.S. departments originally offering assistance). This event severely damaged the public image of the Taiwan Civil Government. The biggest change was that after the accidental death of Roger C.S. Lin(林志昇), his wife, Julian T.A. Lin(林梓安) and their supporters, using the excuse of inheritance of private properties, ignored the structure and rules of the basic regulations of the organization, and attempted to seize power. Consequently, the Director General of that time, Mr. Tsai Tsai-yuan(蔡財源), led the Taiwan Civil Government to cut its tie with Julian T.A. Lin(林梓安)’s power-seizing scam group on November 23, 2019. This act also obtained trust and guidance from the motherland Japan, and accordingly, facilitated a number of corrections and assistance for the future policies of the internal Taiwan Civil Government.

The two most important corrections were the following ones:

  1. All the books written by Roger C.S. Lin(林志昇) advocate that “the territories of Taiwan are the Japanese emperor’s (Tenno’s) private properties”, and this advocacy is a very serious mistake. The emperor is the national symbol of the Japanese nation as well as the representative of the Japanese nation in foreign matters. Therefore, the signing of treaties, such as cession or sale of territory, by the emperor who represents Japan as a nation and by the representatives of other countries should be a matter of transfer of title to territory between countries under public international law, instead of a matter of transfer of the land ownership between individuals under private international law. In short, title to territory belongs to countries, instead of the private property rights of the emperor himself; and what is signed between countries is called a treaty. In the event of a dispute, it should be resolved through the International Court of Justice. What is signed between people or groups in different countries is called a contract or agreement, and the institution for resolving disputes is the domestic court of the relevant country.

    Therefore, as far as the Shimonoseki Treaty (Treaty of Maguan) signed between Japan and the Qing Dynasty was concerned, it should be regarded as a matter of transfer of title to territory between Japan and the country of Qing under public international law, instead of a matter of transfer of the land ownership between Emperor Guangxu of the Qing empire and Emperor Meiji of Japan under private international law. Since the Taiwan Islands were at that time the Qing empire’s settlements (i.e. the outland of the Qing empire, where “the birds did not sing and the flowers were not fragrant”, and the country of Qing had only administrative power but no title to territory, so the territories could be ceded under public international law), Japan conquered the various tribes on the eastern hills of Taiwan in accordance with public international law, and implemented the Japanization of Taiwan Islands. As from April 1, 1945, the Constitution of the Empire of Japan was completely implemented in Taiwan, and Taiwan became an indivisible and inherent territory of Japan (the principle of territorial integrity is applied so that the territory shall not be ceded). Since Japan has administrative power and possession rights in Taiwan, Japan for the first time established the territory ownership of Taiwan.

  2. Roger C.S. Lin(林志昇) had an incorrect claim regarding the term “normalization of Taiwan’s international status”, which would be considered that “the normalization of Taiwan’s status is to let Taiwan become a country that is on an equal footing to other countries in the world.” In other words, it implies the pursuit of becoming a self-governing country with a confederation system, just like Japan, or preparing for the independence of Taiwan. Therefore, it should be revised to “normalization of the legal status of Taiwan”.

    The above explanation is the most important guidance and correction. After that, on January 1, 2020, Mr. Tsai Tsai-yuan(蔡財源), as the first chief executive of the Taiwan Civil Government, following the example of Ryukyu’s return to Japan, has been leading all the members to address the normalization of the legal status of Taiwan, and helping Taiwan’s return to its motherland, Japan.

Taiwan’s Return to Its Motherland Japan

Currently, the political standpoints of the Taiwanese society range from the independent establishment of the state of Taiwan (independence of Taiwan), the independence of the Republic of China in Taiwan (independence of the Republic of China), self-government, reunification with China to becoming a commonwealth or confederation of another country. The reason for such confusion is that after World War II, the United States divided and occupied Japan, and allowed the government of the Republic of China (R.O.C.) in exile to come to Taiwan to act as a proxy to rule its divided and occupied Taiwan region of Japan, thus allowing the government to carry out various types of brainwashing education. Hitherto this practice has been carried out for over half a century (from 1949 to the present), causing people to have a general misconception of the legal status of Taiwan. The government tried to make the people in Taiwan region completely cut off the relations with its motherland Japan. At the same time, the administrative authority, no matter the Chinese Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) or the Democratic Progressive Party, advocated that “Taiwan belongs to the Republic of China”, and the successive presidents of the Republic of China who swore to and implemented the Constitution of the Republic of China also advocated that “the Republic of China is Taiwan”, in an attempt to use the ambiguous policy of locally legalizing and gaining the independence of the Republic of China.

However, there is an important thing to be discussed: the issue of the nationality of the Taiwanese people who were forced to change their nationality from Japan to the Republic of China. As mentioned above, the Republic of China, being the proxy occupying Taiwan, promulgated the Ordinance on Change of Nationality on January 12, 1946, forcibly changing the Taiwanese people’s nationality of Japan to be the nationality of the Republic of China overnight. Therefore, on February 27, 2015 the Taiwan Civil Government, taking the United States and the Republic of China as targets, once again filed the second lawsuit against the United States and the Republic of China (Case No. 1:15-cv-00295-CKK) in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. addressing the revocation of the Ordinance on Change of Nationality. Two years later, on March 30, 2017 the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. made a judgment for the second lawsuit against the United States and the Republic of China (Case No. 16-5149), determining a factual statement that “neither the United States nor the United Nations could remove the statelessness of the Taiwanese people, only the related country (referring to Japan) that did not participate in this lawsuit could”. Such factual determination has largely recognized the claims of the Taiwan Civil Government.

Therefore, after this crucial recognition as well as the aforesaid judgment of “statelessness of the Taiwanese people” in the first lawsuit against the United States, the Taiwan Civil Government has achieved a clear understanding of the future and final status of Taiwan (i.e. normalization of the legal status of Taiwan), which was ambiguous in the past, and obtained the basis and legitimacy of claiming return to the motherland Japan in order to pursue Taiwan’s and the Taiwanese people’s return to the motherland Japan. The Taiwan Civil Government is a task-oriented organization prior to Taiwan’s return to the motherland Japan. It is waiting for the motherland Japan to officially start the return operation and shall follow all the instructions from the relevant departments in the motherland Japan. The division and occupation of Ryukyu (in Okinawa Prefecture) just ended, and Ryukyu had been returned to Japan; but the remaining Taiwan is still under the division and occupation, which still continues. Now, under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan, revisions to the Constitution of Japan and the three security documents (the National Security Strategy, the National Defense Program Guidelines, and the Midterm Defense Buildup Program) are underway. The United States shall be held responsible for ending the ruling of Taiwan by the proxy, which refers to the government of the Republic of China (R.O.C.) in exile (the administrative authority of Taiwan). The Taiwan Islands shall follow the Ryukyu’s reversion to end its division and occupation, and shall return to the motherland Japan.

Important Declaration of the Taiwan Civil Government

  1. Abide by international laws, including the Law of Nations, international laws of war, and the Treaty of San Francisco.
  2. Japan retains the ownership of Taiwan’s territories, whereas the United States has the right of occupying Taiwan.
  3. The United States is obliged to follow international laws to allow the government of the Republic of China in exile to end its occupation of Taiwan.
  4. The United States has the responsibility to follow international laws to return Taiwan to its motherland Japan, and to achieve the normalization of the legal status of Taiwan.
  5. According to the judgment of the lawsuits against the United States and the Republic of China, and referring to Okinawa’s return to Japan, the priority is for Taiwanese to restore their Japanese nationality.